Infuse Your Audience with hope, joy, love, faith & possibility!

Because people who live intentionally bring more passion, purpose, commitment, and kindness to all they do!

Infuse Your Audience with hope, joy,

love, faith & possibility!

Because people who live intentionally
bring more passion, purpose,
commitment, and kindness to
all they do!

Learn- Live-FLY is what I'm all about! LEARN the tools and skills to help you grow. LIVE the principles and learn to F.L.Y.!


The real you! It's when your heart, mind, and spirit are all in alignment and you are living to fulfill the measure of your creation. It's passion. It's purpose. It's peace. It is joy and meaning greater than you can even imagine.

It is my desire to infuse peace, love, joy, and possibility into everyone I meet.

When you open your mind, soften your heart, and create soul connections - MIRACLES HAPPEN EVERY DAY and you can SEE and EXPERIENCE them!

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Livia's Favorite Topics to Teach and Speak About

Faith & Miracles

Challenges and Resistance come to each of us, especially as we accept the call God has for us and do purposeful work that really matters.

Choosing to step out in faith changes everything. Learning to align your heart and mind opens you up to receiving the miracles all around you.

Intentional Living

Every day, in every moment, we have a choice. A choice of how we will use this precious gift of time. I love to share creative ideas that bring more purpose, joy, and intention into your life - no matter your family situation or time schedule.

Possibilities are endless and rewards are great!

Intentional living breeds success for life, for business, and most importantly for the joy and light in your soul.

The Art of Creation

The world is created to support us. We are here to learn to create. It's not by chance, but by choice. How we use our agency is determining the experiences we get to have here. Learn how to use your senses and higher awareness to create what you want in life, rather than what you don't.

Within us and all around us are the things we need to see and receive to bring our hopes and dreams into reality.

If you are seeking to create a deeper connection with those you love, growing your team, meeting your spouse, or even being able to accomplish what you want to in a day -- creation is the way!

Essential Oils

Our body's natural state is wellness. As humans, we experience physical, mental, emotional challenges. Essential oils are powerful tools to support the body in returning to a state of wellness and sustaining that wellness. They support the mind to function properly and help regulate emotions and stimulate beneficial emotions. I have been using them as my primary source of healthcare since 2011 and I love sharing the peace, hope, and joy that comes through healing on all levels. I firmly believe that incorporating essential oils into your home care, your personal care, and your business will increase the levels of joy and productivity all around.

Managing Emotions

Emotions are our friends. They help us know what is going on inside of us. This awareness can guide us to a deeper understanding of who we are and what we need to heal. It is amazing when someone realizes that they can influence their emotions with simple tools and techniques.

This can bless organizations that desire their teams and employees to function at the highest level. It blesses families that desire more peaceful communication and connection in relationships. The skills of emotional intelligence are priceless and enhance all areas of life.

Parenting with Purpose

Most people want deep, meaningful, relationships with their kids, but get caught up in the day to day and time passes quickly. Learning simple things can create deep lasting connections and meaningful conversations with your kids. Really loving them where they are in their journey and caring for yourself and your dreams brings success and fulfillment to everyone.

As Featured on...

and many more...

Livia's Bio

Livia is all about family, faith & fulfilling her divine mission while helping others to find and fulfill

theirs with JOY! She believes in creation, possibility, & becoming. She creates inspirational products and programs that wake up the mind, inspire the soul, and support divine creation. She loves deep connections and creating memorable experiences! Livia is full of ideas and creations. She is a Soul Confidence Creation Coach, DoTERRA Wellness Advocate, and dedicated wife and mother!

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